In case you hadn’t noticed, kids love snacks.
It’s not a gentle feeling of fondness, more of a full-on obsession. They wake up, they think of snacks. You’re in the shower and want five minutes of peace? Tough, provide more snacks. Low on their favourite crisps? Never step foot in this household again.
Every waking hour of theirs is spent thinking about snacks – or when their next fix will be – and for parents, it’s a never-ending battle of trying to keep the snack cupboard (or drawer) topped up and trying to reason with your child as to why they can’t have their 50th biscuit of the day.
Snacks are life – and our tiny counterparts have cottoned on quick. Here are some of the funniest and relatable tweets about kids and their affinity for the good stuff.
7yo: “Mum, if we’re not allowed to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?”
Best. Question. Ever. #prouddad
— ටل 🧗 (@TheColonial) May 17, 20152.
I gave my 4yo fruit snacks at pickup and she was so excited because, “I’m going to share my gummies with brother!” 🥺
Then we got to pick up and she offered him a singular fruit snack she pulled OUT OF HER SOCK.
— Shannon (@ShannonJCurtin) November 21, 20223.
Me: your dress is so cool, it has pockets!
3yo: oh… I can put snacks in them!
This kid gets it
— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) March 3, 20224.
“My belly is sad”
-my 4yo begging for snacks at bedtime
— Sara Says Stop (@PetrickSara) August 24, 20166.
7YO: Can I get a snack?
Me: Are you feeling hungry?
7YO: You don’t need to be hungry to eat a cookie!
— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) September 22, 20227.
5yo: What are u thinking about when u r quiet?
Me: I think about things I need to do. I think about work. I think about things I need to do differently. I think about the future things I’m hopeful for. What do u think about?
5yo: Snacks. Mostly just snacks.
— Breanne Harris (@BreannePH) March 26, 20218.
Me: What’s your favorite class in school?
7yo I’m babysitting: Snack
Me too kid, me too
— Jesse Thomas (@jesset07) May 7, 20169.
The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar, except it’s just my 4yo having 57 snacks before breakfast.
— Mediocre Mom (@MediocreMamaa) March 30, 202210.
My 2yo wanted a snack. I offered fruit, yogurt, cheese stick. Lacking words for category of “baked goods,” she thought hard and said slowly/ deliberately, “I want something that m a k e s c r u m b s”
— Tara Fee (@TaraRFee) July 19, 202011.
7yo: There’s nothing better than a story and a snack.
— Laura Pearson (@LauraPAuthor) December 18, 202012.
[snuggling on the couch]
Me: “I need to get up.”
5yo: *hugs me* “Nooo!!”
Me: “But I’m going to get snacks.”
5yo: *shoves me off the couch*
— Wendy S. (@maughammom) September 13, 201513.
My 4yo was eating snacks when she realized she had to go potty.
So she puts the bowl down and starts to run to bathroom. Then she stops, turns and looks at me, then the 2yo. Runs back, grabs the snacks and brings it with her.
Smart move, kid.
— Stay at Homies (@stayathomies) December 9, 201914.
My 3yo just sang a song to his sister called “Why Did You Eat My Snack” and it’s got a really catchy bluesy vibe so if anyone’s interested in producing it hit me up
— MumInBits (@MumInBits) October 13, 202015.
Told my 3yo he couldn’t have a snack then found him pretending to eat from a toy dog bowl in case anyone is looking for a drama coach
— One Awkward Mom (@oneawkwardmom) February 6, 202216.
Gave the 5yo a cuddle as he came into the kitchen – he said:
“I love you, Mummy, but get out of the way of the snacks.”#mumlife
— Ellie Hawkes (@elspells13) August 11, 202217.
Just told my 4yo son that snacks would ruin his dinner.
He retorted with, “your dinner will ruin my snacks.”
He may be adopted, but he is mine through and through!
— Cate Schlobohm (@WVUCate) February 18, 202118.
Me: it’s time for dinner
3yo: I don’t want dinner
Me: if you don’t eat your dinner you don’t get any snacks
3yo: oh… I want dinner
— Amber Hanson (@amberjhanson) March 10, 202219.
Me: it’s a bit wet outside so I recommend wellies for everyone
4yo: what does recommend mean?
Me: it means what I think is the best idea
4yo: I recommend you give us some chocolate for snacks
— Laura May Rowlands (@TillyTeacher) December 23, 202120.
Pretty sure my 3yo is just keeping me alive so I can open her fruit snacks.
— Marcy G (@BunAndLeggings) November 3, 202021.
In her free time between snacks, my 4yo enjoys turning on lights and opening cupboard doors.
— MamaFizzles (@MamaFizzles) July 20, 201722.
My 6yo son now locks his door and wants privacy while getting dressed, but when he needs assistance to open his fruit snacks, walking in on me in the shower is still okay.
— Bre (@fullofmomsense) February 27, 202223.
Me: would you like an afternoon snack?
7yo: yes, could you make me a buffet?
— Victoria Smith (@glosswitch) November 26, 202224.
2yo referred to her coat pockets as “snack holes” and this is what I shall forever call them
— Rebecca Caprara (@RebeccaCaprara) February 23, 201825.
2yo: *knocks snacks bowl over*
2yo: oh nooo!
Me: ok mister help me clean all of this up now
2yo: *starts eating snacks 1 by 1 from the floor*
— cannibalcow (@cannibalcow) February 2, 202226.
3yo: Can I have cheese crackers for lunch?
Me: No, we’re having lunch and that’s an empty snack.
To thine ownself be true.
— 🔋☀️Hannah 🐝💐 (@hannahdelight) August 5, 201827.
5yo: Mommy, who was the first person in the world? How did the world come together?
Me: Well, no one really knows for sure because no one was there, but people have theories about—
5yo: Can I have a snack?
— SpacedMom (@copymama) December 2, 201829.
Everyday at 8am:
3yo: daddy, I need a snack
Me: what snack do you want?
3yo: fruit snacks
Me: that’s an after lunch snack, you need to pick a breakfast snack
3yo throws a fit, runs to room
15min later
3yo: daddy, I’m not sad anymore
Me: Good, you want a banana?
3yo: Otay
— 🎶Tim after Tim🎶 Cooper (@T2thacoops) May 26, 202230.
“You have snacks without me?!?!” – 4yo, on asking about a bowl on the counter.
— Rebecca Hayes (@DrBeckyHayes) July 9, 202031.
Earlier my 2yo wanted one of these fruit snack bars that she loves but she’d already had 2.
Me: How about some strawberries?
2yo: How about some snacks.
— Francesca Quinn (@FranQuinnWriter) February 26, 202232.
4yo: I’m done eating dinner.
Me: Ok.
4yo: Can I have a snack?
— I Just Sat Down. (@anxiouscougar) September 19, 202133.
5yo [watching me eat kitkat]: CAN I HAVE SOME OF DAT
me: no. I got you two snacks of your own
me: sure. here you go
me: sure. give me a sec
5yo: [staring at kitkat] YOU CAN PUT THAT DOWN
— 💭 (@samthielman) November 12, 202234.